7 research outputs found

    Developtment Virtual Laboratory of Digital Electronics Using Mobile Virtual Reality

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    The virtual laboratory of digital electronics using mobile virtual reality technology to save to cost of making real laboratory. Mobile virtual reality can use by student to practice digital electronics skill in their home. This study to finds the skill improvement of student in competency digital electronics using virtual laboratory with mobile virtual reality based. Virtual laboratory can help student to feel the real practice of laboratory in everywhere and every time. The feature of virtual laboratory is: (1) enable to do practice digital electronics in every time and everywhere, (2) student can do experiment like in laboratory using android phone, (3) support with many of android phone series. This study uses a research and development method using waterfall model that have five stage to develop a software application. The results show that the virtual laboratory can help student to improve their skill of digital electronics because easy feature and real time of virtual laborator

    Optimalisasi Kemampuan Guru Melalui Pelatihan Kuis Interaktif Secara Daring Berbasis Teknologi Informasi

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    The use of technology is very important in learning in the pandemic era. Various efforts were made to equip teachers to optimize the use of learning media. One of these efforts is to organize training on making interactive quizzes based on information technology which is held at SMP Negeri 1 Jaten. This training aims to provide insight related to learning media so that teachers are able to improve their abilities in making interactive quizzes and have a good impact on the future learning process. The method used in this training consists of three stages, namely preparation, implementation and evaluation.This training was conducted on May 6 – May 7, 2021 and was attended by 32 teachers for grades VII, VIII and IX consisting of subject teachers. The result of this training activity is that the teacher understands the training material well so that all the information obtained can be directly put into practice. Teachers get material that is very relevant to the needs in the classroom and can support learning activities. In addition, teachers get new insights related to learning media that can be applied in preparing interactive quizzes creatively and innovatively

    Pengembangan Alat Bantu Penyusunan dan Bimbingan Karya Ilmiah dengan Model Skill Tree

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    This study aims to: (1) produce a product in the form of an android application as a tool for the preparation of scientific papers using the skill tree model; (2) knowing the results of the software performance that using the skill tree model. This research is development research with a combined method of the waterfall method and Dick and Carey. This study focuses on software functionality so that testing is carried out by software quality control. Research data obtained through observation, interviews, a document study, and questionnaires. The results of this study are: (1) the product is developed by applying the skill tree model in an android application designed using Android Studio; (2) the test results by quality control, seen from the aspects of functionality, reliability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability, obtained a percentage of 76.9% (Very Good) for supervisor and 77.8% (Very Good) for teacher applications

    Hak Cipta Aplikasi Smart Helmet

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    Aplikasi smart helmet merupakan perangkat lunak berbasis android yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan perangkat keras yang dipasang atau letakkan pada helm dan sepeda motor dengan sistem antarmuka bluetooth

    Karya Ciptaan - Aplikasi Smart Helmet

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    Aplikasi smart helmet merupakan perangkat lunak berbasis android yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan perangkat keras yang dipasang atau letakkan pada helm dan sepeda motor dengan sistem antarmuka bluetooth


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    Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia yang awal terjadi pada maret 2020 tidak hanya berdampak pada aspek kesehatan masyarakat, akan tetapi juga pada sektor perekonomian. Pemerintah menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang sangat masif, dimana setiap warga yang beraktifitas wajib mematuhi protol dimana salah satunya memakai masker. Memproduksi masker merupakan peluang bagi kelompok usaha jahit untuk meningkatkan perekonomian. Kondisi ini merupakan peluang untuk meningkatkan perekonomian bagi usaha jahit. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan para usaha jahit tentang manajemen 5R, sehingga harapan kedepannya proses produksi lebih efektif dan efesien. Kegiatan dilakukan secara luring maupun daring dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Peserta kelompok usaha jahit Maju Bersama (Maber) Kabupaten Jepara Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang menggikuti kegiatan ini sebanyak 10 peserta. Hasil pengabdian ini dapat dilihat dari peningkatan pengetahuan tentang penerapan manajemen 5R pada usaha jahit. Kata Kunci: Pandemi, Covid-19, Usaha Jahit, manajemen 5

    Topi Covid 19 Reminder

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    Sebagai alat peringatan jarak bagi pengguna topi dengan objek di belakang yang terdeteksi oleh sensor ultrasonik. Dapat digunakan sebagai alat protokol kesehatan untuk menghindari penularan covid 19